Nice job!

Hi everibody!
Today I'am going to talk about my ideal job
I would like to have a job where I can develop as a person. I would like to be the boss because I am a person who likes to give orders to other people, it's an attribute that I have. I'm studying public administration so I will work in an office. This doesn't bother me at all, however, i would like to travel all over the world for my work. If I could choose the place, I would choose England, it is an amazing country, but that's material from a previous blog, visit it haha. I would like to work in a government office, I like the sports area because I like to play soccer, it's one of the things I love the most in life, it would be ideal to work in the sports ministry, also I like the education area then I would like to work in the education ministry. 
Obviously I would like to have a great salary, if they offered me little money I wouldn't work, I like money and I like the the pig capitalism haha, it was a joke. I will settle for a  five million pesos
I hope you like my blog
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