
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019


Hi everyone! Today I'll talk to you about movies I like adventure movies,are the most fun, for this my favorite movie is "Lord of the Rings", this is a fantastic adventure movie. my favorite movie of all time is (as I mentioned earlier) the Lord of the Rings, I like all three parts of this saga, it's about two characters who must destroy a ring to save the world, the main character is Frodo a hobbit from the Comarca, I like it because I feel identified with the protagonist, I've lost count of how many times I've seen them, I recommend it to all the people who like fantasy and adventure movies.I'd like to see "Sexo con Amor", it's a movie I saw when I was very young, I saw her hiding from my parents so I want to see her calm eating ice cream, cookies and with my polola and finally I wouldn't like to see the gladiator again because it's a movie that makes me feel so sorry, makes me cry. I hope you liked my blog I'll be watching

My best Holidays

Hello again! How are you? I feel good. Today I going to talk about my favorite holidays My best holidays were when I was in the beach in New Year's, this was  in 2016 for 2017, we went specifically to the Viña Del Mar to a friend's house,we stayed two nights counting the New Year,the next night changes place and we went to the beach Las Docas. On this short journey I went with 4 friends, Matias "el pelado", Andres "el negro", Bastian "el wiwi" and Brandon "el blandon". New Year's Eve we ate and then we went to a viewpoint, here we start drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana while we were waiting for the new year, the next day we did basically the same thing we did basically the same thing but we didn't drink much alcohol These were my best vacation because were the most crazy, it was a lot of excess alcohol and drugs and because it was a journey with us united with my friends, now we're inseparable friends For all t